Sunday, February 17, 2008

Is it Hard to Save Money?

The difference between people who are successfully frugal and those who see the benefits of frugality yet never quite break through is really one of attitude.

There are a lot of pressures out there to spend. Credit cards companies can sense your weaknesses. If you've got a maxed-out card or two, they lure you with offers for other, better, newer cards or boost your limits.

The media acts like the entire American economy depends on retail sales at holiday season.

Entire industry are built on trends (fashion, electronics, show business). We're enticed to consumer restaurant food, prepackaged entertainment, and convenient lifestyles providing we can pay for them.

Frugality involves thinking about all of these things differently. Holidays become a time of getting together and celebrating rather than presents. Your entertainment is no longer a top priority as you start to put together a life that is meaningful rather than just diverting. Fads seem foolish; you need to focus on what is practical and of genuine value. Your vanity takes a nose dive.

Frugality is about being humble, simple, and resourceful. Those are the anti-virtues in our society! We're encouraged to be proud ("have it your way!"), complicated (ever seen a mom on a cell phone driving a mini van with kids watching a DVD in the back?) and needy (spa treatments, cleaning services, nannies and other "providers" give us the good life where we don't even have to clip our own toenails).

This is not good for you, not emotionally, not spiritually, not physically, and certainly not financially. But getting frugal and staying there are tough. But here is some advice.

1. Frugality is reinforcing. The more you do of it, the easier and more rewarding it gets.
2. You can get to a point where your frugality goes on auto-pilot. If you're not there yet, persist, because that mode exists.
3. You need the company of like-minded frugal folks, even if only online. Nobody "out there" understands you. Don't expect them to.

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